After making some last-minute calls, I had planned to go to the hobo hole for 4:30 PM today with my friends Mateo Escobar and Jake Urrunaga, both of which are avid skaters which have offered to participate in my project Skateboards and Monsters.
Before going over to pick them up, I had to do two things: A, find a way to fit a giant ass ladder into a car to take to the hobo hole, and B, somehow convince my parents to be on board with it. I managed to convince my parents after some insightful discussion, and after some trial and error I managed to get the 8 foot ladder in my mom's SUV (barely). I was now on my way to get Mateo and Jake.
I had picked up Jake by 4:00, but had to wait on Mateo until about 5:00 before we could leave as a group, as he had to clean his parents' cars. After Mr. Mateo Escobar finished giving the cars a good scrub or whatever you do when you clean cars, we were on our way to the legendary hobo hole. We got there at around 5:20, and we parked by the the Harley Davidson dealership which is also very close to the hobo hole. The reason being that we didn't want to look super suspicious with our giant, bright-orange ladder as the three of us walked across the aviation field carrying it on our shoulders. Ultimately though, people just really didn't give a shit about three teenage boys with a bright-orange ladder walking under the highway overpass. Did I mention we still had to walk past a bike trail where everyone still saw us?
After Mateo and I carried the ladder all the way to the base of the hobo hole, we took a short break as Jake pulled up with our skateboards. I had brought my VHS camcorder that I planned on using for the film opening, and filmed a little vlog as we waited for Jake. I gotta admit, it's obviously not as good as using my 4K iPhone camera, it's fun as hell to operate. Looking through the eyepiece and using the optical zoom felt very reminiscent of my childhood, and playing back the footage, the look of the video was pretty steezy, as the cool kids say. I am excited to use this to film my opening.
Continuing our little journey, we climbed the steep-as-hell 30 degree incline with our giant ass ladder and finally reached the summit. After setting our stuff down, we went to check the hobo hole. It was fuckin' closed. Least to say, we were kinda disappointed, but no matter. Eventually, a group of college students climbed the summit to chill by the hobo hole as well, just to be met with the same fate as us. Shortly after, a group of what seemed to be middle schoolers or freshmen approached the hobo hole as well, and soon enough it was me, Mateo, Jake, the college students, and the middle schoolers/freshmen chilling up by the hobo hole like a bunch of cool-cat indie kids.
We all just kinda sat there and vibed. It was nice.
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